Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Golden Age of Rome-The 5 Good Emperors-When

When Domitian was assassinated in 96 AD, many people thought Rome would become like after Caesar's assassination or after Nero's suicide, in a constant state of civil war. The Senate met quickly, though, and chose a new emperor. This was Nerva. Nerva didn't rule very long (only till 98 AD, when he died), but he did install a new system for choosing the next emperor. Nerva chose someone who he thought would do a good job, and elected him as a son. This was Trajan, who after elected, led the Roman armies to Dacia and conquered it. Dacia had many gold mines, and this brought more money into Rome. Trajan then conquered land from the Parthians, and made his way to Babylon, where Alexander the Great had died. When Trajan was on the decline, he chose Hadrian as his successor. Hadrian was not much liked, as soon after elected he gave much land back to the Parthians, believing Rome couldn't maintain it without losing much money. Hadrian also did not conquer any new lands. Rome's peace was kept, though. Hadrian died in 134 AD, and chose Antoninus as his successor, who was often called Antoninus Pius because of his interest in religion. Marcus Aurelius was chosen to succeed him. Aurelius was a big believer of the stoic philosophy. During his reign, the Parthians attacked the eastern part of the empire, but Rome won in the end. On the way back from the victory, it was discovered that the soldiers had cuaght a plague from the Parthians. This killed many soldiers, and others brought it back to all parts of Rome. The Germanic barbarians saw this as a weakness and a chance to attack, and took it, so Aurelius spent the rest of his life fighting the Germanic people, and died once he started winning against them in 180 AD.


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