Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter 23-S.A. 1-8

  1. You will be suppressed by my guard.
  2. And so then, those men, stretching out their hands, gave a salute.
  3. Tantalus, being thirsty, kept desiring to touch the river fleeing his mouth.
  4. The signs of things about to be are shown to the world by the gods.
  5. Captured Greece has conquered its harsh conqueror.
  6. Atticus gave much money to Cicero, who was fleeing out of the fatherland.
  7. If you will entrust him to me to be raised, I shall begin to form his studies from infancy.
  8. Often use the eraser, for the good little book






Agens, agentis-leading




Acutus, -a, -um-about to be led


Acturus, -a, -um-about to lead

Agendus, -a, -um-about to be led