Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

20 Roman God/Goddess/Hero sentences (with relative clauses)

1. Apollo, who is the god of light, is very truthful.
2. Ceres, who is the goddess of agriculture and marriage, just helped a farm grow.
3. Diana, who is a hunter goddess, is also a goddess of the moon and fertility.
4. Juno, who is the queen of the gods, just smote a man.
5. Jupiter, who is the king of the gods, just killed a hydra.
6. Mars, who is the god of war, liked the Trojan War for its bloody onslaughts.
7. Mercury, who is the god of trade, just sold me a diamond sword.
8. Minerva, who is the goddess of wisdom and learning, just beat my in chess...with one move.
9. Neptune, who is the god of the sea, is also the god of horses, cyclopes, and earthquakes.
10. Venus, who is the goddess of love and beauty, just swayed my heart.
11. Vesta, who is the goddess of fire, just insulted Vulcan.
12. Vulcan, who is the god of fire, is a craftsmen and a blacksmith who just smacked Vesta.
13. Perseus, who is a great hero, just slayed Medusa.
14. Hercules, who is also a great hero, slayed many a creature.
15. Bellerophon, who is one of the greatest heroes, captured and taed Pegasus.
16. Achilles, who is another hero, battled in the Trojan War.
17. Aeneas, who was also at Troy, is the hero of the Illiad and the Aeneid.
18. Theseus, who was an Athenian hero, kllled the Minotaur.
19. Jason, who lead the Agronauts, rocked.
20. Ajax, who is a hero, battled in the Trojan War