Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vulcan-From Heather's Bookmark

Vulcan is the son of Juno and Jupiter, but he husband of Maia and Venus. He was also the father of Caeculus. Vulcan was the god of fire and volcanoes. Vulcan manufactured art, arms, iron, and armor for gods and heroes. He also made the throned for the other gods on Mt. Olympus. Vulcan's Greek analogue is the god Hephaestus. He is also called Mulciber and Sethlans (Etruscan). His forge was believed to exist under Mount Aetna in Sicily. When Zeus wished to punish mankind for stealing the secrets of fire, Vulcan created Pandora out of clay for man. Vulcan has a shrine in the Forum Romanum, and his festival, Vulcanalia, occurs on August 23rd.
