Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Augustus to Nero

Augustus-the single most important figure in Roman history; put an end to the advancing decay of the Republic and provided a new basis for government; he negotiated the dangerous seas of the last part of the Roman Revolution with skill and foresight

Tiberius-his reign is an important one for the Principate (formed by Augustus); his reign abounded in contradictions; he oversaw no new conquest

Gaius (Caligula)-he has the most poorly documented reign of the Julio-Claudian dynasty; Gaius was a crazed megalomaniac given to harebrained schemes; he had his co-heir killed within the first few months of Tiberius' death so that he could take the throne

Claudius I-In an age that despised weakness, Claudius was at a disadvantage; he limped, drooled, stuttered, and was constantly ill; Claudius' reign was a mixture of successes and failures

Nero-one of the worst emperors of all; he reigned more than three times as long as Gaius; Nero was a great persecutor of Christians

Pictures of the Pantheon