Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

S.A. p. 101 #'s 2 + 8, Cyrus' Dying Words on Immortality

2. We came up to that city in seven hours.
8. My sons used to esteem my brother, they avoided me; they called me a bitter father and awaited my death. Now on the other hand, I changed my morals have changed and I will draw two sons to me tomorrow.

Cyrus' Dying Words on Immortality
Oh my three sons, you ought not be miserable. In fact, now I come to death, but my part, my soul, will always remain. As long as I was with you, you did not see the soul, but from my deeds you realized it was in my body. Therefore, believe that the soul is the same after death, even if you will not see it, and always preserve me in your memory.