Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Chapter 9 Test part 2- S.A. odd and Laocoon and the Trojan horse

1. Where am I able to see the famous women now?
3. I give the palm branch of victory to this counsel.
5. Only this man is able to assist.
7. These men truly think about the ruin of this state and the entire world.
9. No alone outcome leads to this-that schoolmaster is foolish!-but even with judgement.

Laocoon and the Trojan Horse
The greek were waging war with the Trojans. The great wooden horse they left behind under the Trojan city gate at night. The Trojans the horse there. "The Greeks dedicate a horse to Minerva", they said. "If we shall lead the gift of the Greeks into the goddess' temple, we shall have peace and live with good fortune." But Laocoon, the great priestess of courage and wisdom, dares to advise the people: "You think without reason, oh Trojans! If they are adundant in the horse, we are in great danger. You ought never to trust the Greeks, for Greeks are always deceitful." Then he hit the horse with a spear. Minerva' anger is great; the goddess sends two serpents oout from the sea. Oh, unfortunate Laocoon! The two evil serpent sons strike you and strangle you! The Trojans are afraid of the goddess; they lead the horse into the city. The reason of Laocoon teaches nothing to the Trojans.

Chapter 9 Test part 1-paradigms


Singular Masculine Feminine Neuter

Nominative ille illa illud

genitive illius illius illius

dative illi illi illi

accusative illum illam illud

ablative illo illa illo


nominative illi illae illa

genitive illorum illarum illorum

dative illis illis illis

accusative illos illas illa

ablative illis illis illis


singular Masculine Feminine Neuter

nominative hic haec hoc

genitive huius huius huius

dative huic huic huic

accusative hunc hanc hoc

ablative hoc hac hoc


nominative hi hae haec

genitive horum harum horum

dative his his his

accusative hos has haec

ablative his his his