Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Chapter 9 S.A. 2-9, optional exercises 5-19

2. This man leads that maiden into marriage.
3. I give the palm branch of victory to this plan.
4. We truly love the courage of that man.
5. Only you are able to help this man.
6. The penalty will alleviate any of this disease of the state, but the danger will always remain.
7. Those, in fact, think down from the exit those states and the whole circle of the world.
8. None are either place human in this land.
9. You teach not alone this event.

Optional Exercises
5. These men will lead (lead, were leading) the entire state.
6. That man will see (sees, saw) these things in that land.
7. In that book he will write (I shall write, I was writing) those things about this.
8. One man is leading (will lead) those forces into this land
9. The schoolmaster gives these things to the other boy.
10. We are writing (will write) this book about another war.
11. The whole country thanks (will thank, was thanking) this man alone.
12. They are now giving their entire attention to that plan.
13. The friends of this man will save this state by that plan.
14. The other friend will lead entire life in another land.
15. This man alone was able to warn me about the faults of this tyrant.
16. You had no forces in the other land.
17. Those men alone see no dangers in this plan.
18. You dare to praise not only the character but also the treachery of that man.
19. Truly, on account of the treachery of one man this state was not strong.

Vocab 9 Quiz

1. locus-place
2. morbus-sickness
3. studium-eagerness
4. hic-this
5. ille-that
6. iste-that of yours
7. alius-another
8. alter-the other
9. neuter-neither
10. nullus-none
11. solus-alone
12. totus-whole
13. ullus-any
14. unus-one
15. uter-either
16. anum-another