Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Echo and Handsome Narcissus

Narcissus was a pretty boy. Many girls love him; He loved none out of that. If alone, he loves himself and life, and drives into the forest. For a long time, the nymph Echo has loved Narcissus, but nevertheless he was able to talk to his friends; he is able to give back one other final word. If Narcissus calls, "Are you here?", Echo calls , "Here." If that man "Where are you?"Come!", he calls, that woman "Come!", calls. But Narcissus did not come from himself, and Echo, therefore, did not live for a long time. He wholly lost his body; however we now hear his voice also.

Meanwhile, Narcissus sees his image in a pool of water and is not able to move away his eyes. He was overcome by great love for himself. Time flies; Narcissus remains there. They were not able to come upon his friend. Before himself in the pool of water, where that man exists, now is a pretty flower. This name is perpetual in Narcissus.

Humans ought not love themselves too much.