Minor punishments-being hit by the centurion with a staff (castigatio), reduction of rations, reduction in pay (pecuniaria multa), flogging in front of the legion, whipping with the flagrum (short whip), reduction in rank (gradus deiectio), dishonorable discharge (missio ignominiosa), loss of time in service advantages, relegation to inferior duties (militiae mutatio), additional duties (munerum indictio)
Major punishments
-Fustuarium-a sentence for desertion or dereliction of duty. The legionary would be stoned or beaten to death with cudgels in front of the army
-Decimation-this was carried out against an entire mutinous unit. One out of every ten men, chosen by lots, would be beaten to death by the other nine men.
"Roman Legion." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 4 May 2010.
Roman Legion at Attack 10. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. Web. 4 May 2010.