Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


These are the more popular Roman gods and goddesses, so I guess these were the cheerleaders and jocks of Mount Olympus High. Wait, does it work that way for gods? Maybe it is becuase of how important their powers were. That would mean Jupiter could have been a band geek. Burn!

Apollo-truthful god of light
Ceres-goddess of agriculture and marriage
Diana-hunter goddess of the moon and fertility
Juno-Queen of the goddesses
Jupiter-Ruler of the gods
Mars-god of war
Mercury-god of trade
Minerva-goddess of wisdom and learning
Neptune-god of the sea
Venus-goddess of love and beauty
Vesta-goddess of fire
Vulcan-god of fire, craftsmen, and blacksmiths
(in my opinion, the coolest of the Roman gods)

The Gods' favorite phrases

If the gods ever had a product to sell, this would be the motto on the label.

Apollo-"Ad lucem" - Towards the light
Ceres-"Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est" - Yes, that is a very large amount of corn
Diana-"Ex luna sapientia"-From the moon, knowledge
Juno-"Ad augusta per angusta" - To high places by narrow roads
Jupiter-"A Deo et Rege"-From God and the King
Mars-"Abyssuss abyssum invocat"-Hell calls hell
Mercury-"Appareo decet nihil munditia?" - Is it not nifty?
Minerva-"Accipere quam facere praestat injuriam" - It is better to suffer an injustice than to do an injustice
Neptune-"A mari usque ad mare"-From sea to sea
Venus-"Ab imo pectore"-From the bottom of the chest (from the heart)
Vesta-"In fortitudine ignis"-Courage in fire
Vulcan-"Ex igne victoria"-Out of fire, victory