Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sallust's View on Human Nature-38 Latin CH 34

All men who wish to surpass the other creatures ought to strive for the greatest power, so that their life isn't passed through with silence like the rest of the cattle, which nature formed bent forward but with an obedient belly. But all of our strength is placed in spirit and flesh; souls enjoy power, souls enjoy service, our soul is common between us and the gods, and the body is common between us and the beasts. To me, virtue appears to seek glory with the help of powers and of natural talent, because life itself is enjoyed and short, seeming to bring about memories to be long lasting as possible. For glory and beauty and riches are changeable and also fragile; while virtue is clear and eternal strength.

But many mortals, addicted to the stomach and to sleep, have carried an ignorant and unsophisticated life, just like those who travel; To the, the body assuredly served as a source of pleasure against nature, the soul was a burden. But at last the soul seemed to live and enjoy of me, which comes to seek some business of intent on acts rather than good reputation