Chapter 11
Audivit-audire Audible, audacious, auditor, audio, audiotape
Dicam-dicere Dictate, dictator, dictation, diction, dictionary, prediction
Erant-esse Is, was, were
Duxerat-ducere Duct, induction, reduction
Dederat-dare Date, mandate, dedicate
Victus erat-vincere Invincible, vincible, evincible
Terreri-terrere Terrify, terrible, terrible (in Spanish)
Poterat-posse Possible, impossible, possibilism
Caret-carere Care, caress, uncaring
Superavit-superare Super, superb, supreme, superficial, superior
Erant-esse Is, was, were
Cepit-capere Decapitate, captain, capture, incapacitated, captivate, captivation
Invenerat-invenire Invent, invention,
Traxit-trahere Taxi, trailer, tractor
Est-esse Is, was, were
amovere Remove, locomotion, movement
Poterat-posse Possible, impossible, possibilism
Est-esse Is, was, were
Datum est-dare Date, mandate,
Erat-esse Is, was, were
Chapter 15
Edunt-edere Edible, inedible, eat
Navigavit- Navigate, navigation, navigator, nauta
Venit Vein, vent, ventilate
Inveniunt Invent, invention, inventor
Edunt Edible, eat, inedible
Ducit Duct, induction, reduction
Videt Video, videotape, envisage, visage
Facitis Facetious, facility, facilitate
Habetis Habitat, habituate, habit
Dicit Diction, dictionary, dictation, dictator, prediction
Dabis Debit, dedicate, debate
Exclamat Exclaim, exclamation, exclamatory
Capit Decapitate, captain, capture, incapacitated, captivate, captivation
Rogat Regal, regality, regalia
Est Is, was, were
Respondet Respond, response, responder
Superat Super, superior, superficial, superb, supreme
Mittunt Mission, Missionary, commission
Vocat Vocal, vocalization, vocate, vocation
Possunt Possible, Possibilism, Possibility
Fugere Fugitive, fugitative, fugitives, refuge
Audit Audio, audiotape, audible, audacious, auditor
Sum Am, sum, same
Chapter 20
Vivebant-vivere Live, liven, enliven, life
Dabant- Date mandate dedicate
Mittebant-mittere Mission, Missionary, commission
Dixit-dicere Dictate, dictator, dictation, diction, dictionary, prediction
Tolerare Tolerate, tolerable, intolerant
Possum-posse Possible, impossible, possibilism
Timeo-timere Timid, timidity, timidly
Inveniam-invenire Invent, invention, inventor
Potero-posse Possible, impossible, possibilism
Vincam-vincere Invincible, vincible, evincible
Commito-commitere Commit, committable, commitment, commence
Videbis-videre Video, videotape, envisage, visage
Fugiam-fugere Fugitive, fugitative, refuge,
Iunxit-iungere Join, junction, conjoin
Navigabit-navigare navigate, navigator, navigation, nauta
Superare- Super, superb, supreme, superficial, superior
Fugere- Fugitive, fugitative, refuge,
Poterat-posse Possible, impossible, possibilism
Expectaverat- Expect, expectations, spectators
videre Video, videotape, envisage, visage
poterat Possible, impossible, possibilism
Tenuerat-tenere Tangible, retentive, attentive
mutaverat Mute, mutate, mutation
Website of the Gods!!!
This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Latin Help
1. Erat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
2. Venerat-3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of "venere" meaning "to come"
3. Gesserat-3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of "gerrere" meaning "to carry on"
4. Movebat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "movere" meaning "to move"
5. Ceperat-3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of "cepere" meaning "to capture"
6. Vocavit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "vocare" meaning "to call"
7. Audivit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "audire" meaning "to hear"
8. Cucurrit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "cucerre" meaning "to run"
9. Intellego-1st person singular present active indicative of "intelligere" meaning "to understand"
10. Dixit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "dicere" meaning "to speak"
11. Habere-infinitive meaning "to hold"
12. Debent-3rd person plural present active indicative of "debere" meaning "ought to"
13. Vincere-infinitive meaning "to conquer"
14. Possunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able to"
15. Fugies-2nd person singular future active indicative of "fugere" meaning "to flee"
16. Erit-3rd person singular future active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
17. Manebis-2nd person singular future active indicative of "manere" meaning "to remain"
18. Invenies-2nd person singular future active indicative of "invenire" meaning "to come upon"
19. Amittes-2nd person singular present active indicative of "amittere" meaning "to send"
20. Habe-2nd person singular Imperative
21. Dixit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "dicere" meaning "to speak"
22. Est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
23. Timeo-
2. Venerat-3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of "venere" meaning "to come"
3. Gesserat-3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of "gerrere" meaning "to carry on"
4. Movebat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "movere" meaning "to move"
5. Ceperat-3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of "cepere" meaning "to capture"
6. Vocavit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "vocare" meaning "to call"
7. Audivit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "audire" meaning "to hear"
8. Cucurrit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "cucerre" meaning "to run"
9. Intellego-1st person singular present active indicative of "intelligere" meaning "to understand"
10. Dixit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "dicere" meaning "to speak"
11. Habere-infinitive meaning "to hold"
12. Debent-3rd person plural present active indicative of "debere" meaning "ought to"
13. Vincere-infinitive meaning "to conquer"
14. Possunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able to"
15. Fugies-2nd person singular future active indicative of "fugere" meaning "to flee"
16. Erit-3rd person singular future active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
17. Manebis-2nd person singular future active indicative of "manere" meaning "to remain"
18. Invenies-2nd person singular future active indicative of "invenire" meaning "to come upon"
19. Amittes-2nd person singular present active indicative of "amittere" meaning "to send"
20. Habe-2nd person singular Imperative
21. Dixit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "dicere" meaning "to speak"
22. Est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
23. Timeo-
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