Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 25-Practice and Review

Sorry, Mr. Wojo, we were supposed to do the even S.A., but they had the same number of sentences and I accidentally did the practice and review.
Here are the even practice and review questions.

Even Practice and Review

  1. After we heard the servants had worked for our gifts, they had narrated to the faithful soldiers yesterday.
  2. The sign of that man touched the total danger of our clan, if not to expel the enemy out of the city then to be able to drive out the Italians
  3. Why was the pleasant Horace showed and ridiculed for his human faults in satire?
  4. The leader, who was sent into the senate, had accepted supreme power and had been made emperor.
  5. They deny any enemies victory to be oppressed ever in servitude.
  6. Whoever will accept the truth will be educated.
  7. They will show that the letter was written by the brave slavegirl.
  8. We hope that the judge's wife will write those two letters tomorrow.