Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Monday, March 15, 2010

King Midas-Who

King Midas was a wealthy king of Phyrgia, in Asia Minor. When an elderly companion of Dionysus was separated from his master, Midas showed great hospitality. Therefore, when Midas returned the old satyr to Dionysus, he was granted one wish. He wished for the golden touch, which quickly turned out to be more of a blessing than a curse. He could not even eat without his meal turning into gold. When Midas confronted Dionysus about this, he was told to travel to the river Paktolos, and bathe there. Midas obeyed, which rid him of the power, and imbued the river's sands with gold.
Later, he was asked to judge a musical contest between Apollo and Pan. When he chose the pipe over the lyre, the lyre-god gave him donkey ears. Ashamed of this, Midas hid these ears under a Phyrgian cap, the traditional cap of the nobility.

Works Cited
Atsma, Aaron J. "MIDAS." Theoi Project. Theoi. Web. 15 Mar. 2010. <>.
Photograph. Comcast. Web. 15 Mar. 2010. <>.
Photograph. RealMagick. Web. 15 Mar. 2010. <>.

Vocab Check-Chapters 23-33

1. dehinc-then
2. hic-here
3. credere-to believe
4. negare-to deny
5. nescire-to not know
6. patefacire-to make open
7. putare-to reckon
8. lex-law
9. limen-threshold
10. mensa-table
11. tristis-sad
12. turpis-ugly
13. quam-whoever
14. tantum-so much
15. nepos-descendant
16. quot-how great
17. utilis-useful
18. ponere-to put, place, or set
19. stella-star
20. ut-so that
21. cedere-to withdraw
22. dedicare-to dedicate
23. egere-to lack
24. tacere-to be silent
25. moenia-walls of a city
26. osculum-kiss
27. denique-finally
28. ita-so
29. quidem-someone
30. condere-to store
31. contendere-to contend
32. pugnare-to attack
33. respondere-to answer
34. surgire-to arise
35. repente-suddenly
36. unde-so that
37. bibere-to drink
38. cognoscere-to learn
39. comprehendere-to comprehend
40. exponere-to explain
41. rogare-to ask
42. vinum-wine
43. apud-among
44. semel-once
45. usque-all the way
46. dolere-to grieve
47. ferre-to carry
48. adferre-to bring to
49. conferre-to bring together
50. referre-to carry back
51. invidere-to look at with envy
52. occiddere-to die
53. custodia-custody
54. exercitus-army
55. dives-rich
56. dummodo-provided that
57. malle-to want
58. patere-to be evident
59. praebere-to excel
60. promittere-to send forth, promise
61. velle-to wish
62. initium-beginning
63. ops-aid
64. philosophus-philosopher
65. plebs-plebeians