Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Forum of Julius Caesar-Where

The Forum of Julius Caesar, often called Forum Iulium or Forum Julium, is the first of the imperial fora, designed by Cesar as a center of business. It was completed by Augustus in 29 BC.
The land for the Forum was very expensive, and only obtained through the persuasion of Cicero. It was rectangular and as 115 meters long and 30 wide. After Caesar's conquest in Gaul, the Forum Julium was built. It was then that a temple was built and dedicated to Venus Genetrix in the Forum.
The Forum was a large plaza surrounded by colonnades, and it contained many works of art. These included a cult statue of Venus Genetrix, a gold statue of Cleopatra, and a statue of Caesar on horseback.

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