Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Five Literary Devices Found in Catullus 12

  1. Alliteration-"miserunt mihi muneri" (Carm. 12.15)
  2. Hyperbole-Catullus makes a large deal of taking napkins, even calling Asinius a fool ("inepte"-Carm. 12.4)
  3. Rhetorical question-"Hoc salsum esse putas?" (Carm. 12.4)
  4. Metonymy-"hendecasyllabos trecentos" to mean many of his poems or many lines of his poems(Carm. 12.10)
  5. Allusion-to both "Fabullus et Veranius" (Carm. 12.15-16)

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