Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Catullus 37-Verb Quiz

SALAX taberna uosque contubernales,
a pilleatis nona fratribus pila,
solis putatis esse mentulas uobis,
solis licere, quidquid est puellarum,
confutuere et putare ceteros hircos?
an, continenter quod sedetis insulsi
centum an ducenti, non putatis ausurum
me una ducentos irrumare sessores?
atqui putate: namque totius uobis
frontem tabernae sopionibus scribam.
puella nam mi, quae meo sinu fugit,
amata tantum quantum amabitur nulla,
pro qua mihi sunt magna bella pugnata,
consedit istic. hanc boni beatique
omnes amatis, et quidem, quod indignum est,
omnes pusilli et semitarii moechi;
tu praeter omnes une de capillatis,
cuniculosae Celtiberiae fili,
Egnati. opaca quem bonum facit barba
et dens Hibera defricatus urina.

esse-present active infinitive meaning "to be"
licere-present active infinitive meaning "to bid on"
est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
confutuere-present active infinitive meaning "to have sex with a woman"
putare-present active infinitive meaning "to think"
sedetis-2nd person singular present active indicative of "sedere" meaning "to sit"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Number on the last one.