Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Latin (FAIL) Review for Mid-term *cough fail cough*

 ID and translate each Ablative Absolute and Passive Periphrastic-> Sententiae Antiquae-> page159
1. Carthago delenda est-Passive Periphrastic
2. Asia victa-Ablative Absolute
3. Omnibus ferro militis perterritis-Ablative Absolute
4. Quidquid dicendum est-Ablative Absolute
5. Sananda sunt-Passive Periphrastic
6. Augusto terras tenente-Ablative Absolute
7. Tarquinio expulso-Ablative Absolute
8. Regenda sunt-Passive Periphrastic

 ID and Parse each participle-> Sententiae Antiquae-> page 152-> ex. laudans-present active participle
1. Oppressus- future passive participle
2. Tendentes-present passive participle
3. Sitiens-present active participle
4. Fugientia-present active participle
5. Futurarum-future active participle
6. Capta-perfect passive participle
7. Fugienti-present active participle
8. Educandum-future passive participle
9. Scripturus-future active participle
10. Dicturi-future active participle
11. Audituros-future active participle
12. Legens-present active participle
13. Factorum-future active participle
14. Timens-present active participle
15. Iussus-perfect passive participle

16. Emissum-perfect passive participle

 ID the verbs that introduce the indirect statements-> Sententiae Antiquae-> pages 167-168
1. Negavit
2. Pronuntiatis, scivisti
3. Sentis
4. Vidi
5. Cerno
6. Credo
7. Sciebam
8. Nuntiavit
9. Dico
10. Vidisse
11. Putabat
12. Negant
13. Negavi
14. Credo
15. Dicere
16. Aiunt

 ID and translate jussives-> Sententiae Antiquae-> page 191
1. Ducat-let it command
2. Cedant-let them concede
5. Rapiamus-


Adam said...

Sorry, Mr. Wojo, I was confused on the directions, so I didn't know I had to translate it...

1. Carthage must be destroyed
2. Asia having been conquered
4. It must be said
5. They must be healed
6. Augustus, holding the lands
7. Tarquin having been expelled
8. Must be ruled

1. perfect passive participle
2. present active participle

10. passive infinitive, no introducing, answer is "dic"
15. sperat

So yeah...didn't finish this part...

Anonymous said...

i like how confident you sound in your title