Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Monday, November 16, 2009


Pandora was the first woman, who was formed out of the clay by gods. Prometheus was assigned the task of creating man, but was displeased and stole fire from heaven. Zeus commanded Hephaestus and the other gods to makes her beautiful and cunning. Pandora was then delivered to Epimetheus, Prometheus' foolish brother, and they were married. As a wedding gift, Zeus gave them a box, or pithos (storage jar). They opened the jar, unleashing a swarm of evils spirits on the world. Only hope (elpis)was left in the box. Pandora's daughter Pyrrha was the first-born mortal child.



Anonymous said...

i like this pic

Luke Navin said...

Oh this reminded me of this awsome puzzle game i used to play as a kid. But anyway good post with great info.

Derrick P. said...

pandorarararararararaaaaaa....good post i want everyone to see this