Website of the Gods!!!

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Marcus Tullius Cicero-Who

Marcus Tullius Cicero was born on January 3, 106 B.C. at Arpinum near Rome. He was the eldest so of a wealthy landowner of the same name. Cicero was taken to Rome, to receive the best of education. Cicero did military service under the Social War of Sulla. In 76 B.C., Cicero married Terentia, who was wealthy and part of the ruling class. In 75 B.C. he held the title of quaestor, which gained him membership in the Senate. In 69 B.C., Cicero became aedile and praetor. In 66 B.C., he made his first major political speech. Cicero reached the highest possible office at the earliest possible age.
Cicero watched Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. Cicero was exiled for speaking down of Caesar's methods of consulship. Cicero tried to separate Pompey from his partners, but after he was told not to, for the next 4 years Cicero was largely out of politics. After Pompey's death, Cicero took no part in politics. In the winter of 47-46 B.C., Cicero divorced Terentia, and soon after his daughter Tullia died.
The Second Triumvirate was formed with Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian, who soon after put Cicero up for death. Cicero died in 43 B.C.

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