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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

38 Latin Parses for EC on MidTerm

LATIN-ID and parse all verbs in 38 Latin, 21-28, then summarize each in a two to three sentence description
-for 5% ec on exam Wed

  1. The Golden Age Returns: This is a passage from one of Virgil's Eclogues. The Fourth Eclogue depicts the return of a golden age. It is sometimes called "Messianic" because Christians in the Middle Ages identified the "puer" of the poem with Christ.

Parsed Verbs:
  • Incipit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "incipere" meaning "to begin"
  • Erunt-3rd person plural future active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Venit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "venire" meaning "to come"
  • Liberabitur-3rd person singular future passive indicative of "liberare" meaning "to free"
  • Videbit-3rd person singular future active indicative of "videre" meaning "to see"
  • Videbitur-3rd person singular future passive indicative of "videre" meaning "to seem"
  • Reget-3rd person singular future active indicative of "regere" meaning "to direct"
  • Feret-3rd person singular future active indicative of "ferre" meaning "to bring"
  • Poterit-3rd person singular future active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able to"
  • Parabunt-3rd person plural future active indicative of "parare" meaning "to prepare"

  1. Cicero Reports his Victory Over Catiline: This is an excerpt from one of Cicero's four speeches against Catiline. Cicero has driven Catiline out of Rome. He now triumphantly reports to his fellow citizens what has happened.

Parsed Verbs:
  • Cogitare-present active infinitive meaning "to think"
  • Espulsus est-3rd person singular perfect passive indicative of "expellere" meaning "to expel"
  • Timebatur-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "timere" meaning "to fear"
  • Continebatur-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "continere" meaning "to contain"
  • Manebunt-3rd person plural future active indicative of "manere" meaning "to remain"
  • Mittetur-3rd person singular future passive indicative of "mittere" meaning "to throw"
  • Videntur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of "videre" meaning "to seem"
  • Esse-present active infinitive meaning "to be"
  • Aluerunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "alere" meaning "to nourish"
  • Agere-present active infinitive meaning "to drive"

  1. Watching the Orator at Work: This passage from the Brutus, a survey of Roman oratory, describes the effect that an accomplished speaker has on his audience. Cicero is the speaker.

Parsed Verbs:
  • Surgit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "surgere" meaning "to rise"
  • Occupatur-3rd person singular present passive indicative of "occupare" meaning "to gain"
  • Audire-present active infinitive meaning "to hear"
  • Significant-3rd person plural present active indicative of "significare" meaning "signify"
  • Vertuntur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of "vertere" meaning "to turn"
  • Tangit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "tangere" meaning "to touch"
  • Cupit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "cupere" meaning "to desire"
  • Moveri-present passive infinitive meaning "to move"
  • Terrentur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of "terrere" meaning "to frighten"
  • Flent-3rd person plural present active indicative of "flare" meaning "to fly"
  • Iudicare-present active infinitive meaning "to judge"
  • Poteris-2nd person singular future active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able"
  • Videbis-2nd person singular future active indicative of "videre" meaning "to see"
  • Caret-3rd person singular present active indicative of "carare" meaning "to lack"
  • Potest-3rd person singular present active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able to"
  • Movere-present active infinitive meaning "to move"
  • Videbuntur-3rd person plural future passive indicative of "videre" meaning "to be"
  • Tenebuntur-3rd person plural future passive indicative of "tener" meaning "to have"

  1. Caesar's Camp is Attacked by Belgians: This is a excerpt from Caesar's commentaries on the Gallic Wars (58-51 BC). It is written in an objective third person style, but puts emphasis on Caesar's skill and courage.

Parsed Verbs:
  • Ducebat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "ducere" meaning "to lead"
  • Collocaverat-3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of "collocare" meaning "to put together"
  • Sunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Commiserunt-3rd person plural perfect active indicative of "committere" meaning "to bring together"
  • Recipiebant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of "recipere" meaning "to recover"
  • Faciebant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of "facere" meaning "to make"
  • Audebant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of "audere" meaning "to hear"
  • Coeperunt-3rd person plural perfect active indicative of "coepere" meaning "to begin"
  • Latebant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of "latere" meaning "to lie hidden"
  • Provolaverunt-3rd person plural perfect active indicative of "provolare" meaning "to fly out"

  1. The Character of Catiline's Followers: This is a passage from the second of four speeches from Cicero against Catiline. Although Catiline is already gone, several of his followers remain, and Cicero assumes they are also a threat to the security of the state.

Parsed Verbs:
  • Dicimus-1st person plural present active indicative of "dicere" meaning "to say"
  • Dicit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "dicere" meaning "to say"
  • Interest-3rd person singular present active indicative of "intersum" meaning "to concern"
  • Timeo-1st person singular present active indicative of "timere" meaning "to terrify"
  • Sunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Dicimus-1st person plural present active indicative of "dicere" meaning "to say"
  • Parantur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of "parare" meaning "to prepare"
  • Est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Habent-3rd person plural present active indicative of "habere" meaning "to have"
  • Possunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able to"
  • Possunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able to"
  • Est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Premuntur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of "premere" meaning "to press"
  • Expectant-3rd person plural present active indicative of "expectare" meaning "to expect"
  • Posse-present active infinitive meaning "to be able to"
  • Putant-3rd person plural present active indicative of "putare" meaning "to think"
  • Sperandum est-3rd person singular present passive indicative of "sperare" meaning "to hope"
  • Intellegendum est-3rd person singular present passive indicative of "intellegere" meaning "to understand"
  • Vigilare-present active infinitive meaning "to be vigilant"
  • Providere-present active infinitive meaning "to provide"
  • Esse-present active infinitive meaning "to be"
  • Esse-present active indicative meaning "to be"
  • Sperant-3rd person plural present active indicative of "sperare" meaning "to hope"

  1. The Virtues of the Orator Cato: This is another excerpt from the Brutus in which Cicero laments that his contemporary orators show no interest in the "old fashioned" works of Cato. He also states how they are eager to imitate the Greek style or orators from earlier centuries.

Parsed Verbs:
  • Sunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Legit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "legere" meaning "to read"
  • Novit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "noscere" meaning "to learn"
  • Mitto-1st person singular present active indicative of "mittere" meaning "to throw"
  • Quaerimus-1st person plural present active indicative of "quaerere" meaning "to seek"
  • Invenientur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of "invenire" meaning "to come upon"
  • Habent-3rd person plural present active indicative of "habere" meaning "to have"
  • Amantur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of "amare" meaning "to love"
  • Ignoratur-3rd person singular present passive indicative of "ingorare" meaning "to disregard"
  • Est-3rd person singular, present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Loquebantur-3rd person plural imperfect passive indicative of "loquor" meaning "to speak"
  • Esse-present active infinitive meaning"to be"
  • Quaerendum esse-present passive infinitive meaning "to seek"
  • Est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Delectantur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of "delectare" meaning "to delight"
  • Noverunt-3rd person plural perfect active indicative of "noscere" meaning "to learn"
  • Volunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "velle" meaning "to wish"
  • Esse-present active infinitive meaning "to be"
  • Laudo-1st person singular present active indicative of "laudare" meaning "to praise"
  • Nolunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "nolle" meaning "to be unwilling"

  1. Old Age is Not a Time for Despair: Cicero wrote this excerpt not long before his death. It is form his philosophical treatise On Old Age. In this, Cicero argues that one's later years can still be productive and happy.

Parsed Verbs:
  • Contemnendam esse-present passive infinitive meaning "to hold in contempt"
  • Videt-3rd person singular present active indicative of "videre" meaning "to see"
  • Exstinguit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "estinguere" meaning "to put out"
  • Est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to bee"
  • Sperare-present active infinitive meaning "to hope"
  • Vivere-present active infinitive meaning "to live"
  • Vixerit-3rd person singular future perfect active indicative meaning "to realize"
  • Video-1st person singular present active indicative of "videre" I meant that for me
  • Videtur-3rd person singular present passive indicative of "videre" meaning "to see"
  • Est-3rd person singular present active indicative of "esse" meaning "to be"
  • Cedunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of "cedere" meaning "to concede"
  • Potest-3rd person singular present active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able to"
  • Datur-3rd person singular present passive indicative of "dare" meaning "to give"
  • Debemus-1st person plural present active indicative of "debere" meaning "to ought to"

Two Love Poems by Catullus: Catullus wrote over 100 lyric poems on multiple subjects. Among the most inspired are those poems about his love affair with Lesbia.

  1. Parsed Verbs:
  • Vivamus-1st person plural present active subjunctive of "vivere" meaning "to live"
  • Occidere-present active infinitive meaning "to fall"
  • Aestimemus-1st person plural present active subjunctive of "Aestimare" meaning "to estimate"
  • Occidere-present active infinitive meaning "to fall"
  • Redire-present active infinitive meaning "to return"
  • Possunt-3rd person plural present active indicative, 
  • Invenire-present active infinitive meaning "to come upon"
  • Possit-3rd person singular present active unbelievable, and thy both check your makeup.
  • Invidere-present active infinitive needs it go gread.
  • Esse-present active infinitive meaning "to be"
  • Possimus-1st person plural meaning "It will"
  • Agere-present active infinitive meaning like 2 words out of the possible

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