1. pronuntio-to pronounce
2. prohibeo-to prohibit
3. odi-defective verb (only in perfect) meaning "to hate"
4. discedo-to depart
5. defendo-to defend
6. parare-to prepare
7. liberare-to free
8. delectare-to delight
9. iam-soon
10. contra-against
11. videor-to seem
12. movere-to move
13. miscere-to mix
14. legere-to pick out
15. fluere-to flow
16. recitare-to recite
17.neglegere-to neglect
18. navigare-to navigate
19. incipio-to begin
20. desidero-to desire
21. regere-to rule
22. quam-which
23. senex-old man
24. potens-able
25. omnes-all
26. timere-to frighten
27. iacere-to throw
28. expectare-to expect
29. commitere-to commit
30. itaque-and so
31. vitare-to shun
32. tenere-to hold
33. mutare-to change
34. currere-to run
35. apellare-to speak to
36. stare-to stand
37. iungere-to join
38. deligero-to esteem
39. allere-to nourish
40. olim-for a long time
41. creare-to create
42. cadere-to fall
43. amittere-to lose
44. nuper-recently
45. diu-while
46. sentire-to feel
47. mittere-to send
48. intellegere-to understand
49. etiam-even
50. bene-well
51. vivere-to live
52. invenio-to come upon
53. fugere-to flee
54. facere-to make
55. dicere-to speak
56. nimis-too
57. in-into
58. enim-truly
59. uter-either
60. unus-one
61. vincere-to conquer
62. trahere-to draw
63. scribere-to write
64. gerere-to carry on
65. ducere-to lead
66. necare-to kill
67. audere-to dare
68. sub-under
69. post-after
70. novus-new
71. tollero-to endure
72. posse-to be able to
73. quare-which
74. nunc-now
75. ibi-there
76. superare-to be above
77. remanere-to remain
78. culpare-to blame
79. ceno-to dine
80. tum-then
81. sum-to be
82. iuvare-to help
83. verus-true
84. stultus-foolish
85. parvus-few
86. satiare -to satisfy
87. habere-to hold
88. semper-always
89. hodie-today
90. in-in
91. est-is
92. sine-without
93. O!-Oh!
94. sed-but
95. et-and
96. vocare-to summon
97. videre-to see
98. valere-to be strong
99. terrere-to terrify
100. convervare-to preserve
*101*-servare-to preserve