Optional Exercises for Chapters 24
- (1) A noun or pronoun and a modifying participle in the ablative case
(2) No
- (1)absolutum-loosened from, separated
(2) A comma, which separates in from the sentence
- No, because it is better style to transform the phrase into a clause
- With, since, when, if, although
- (1) Incorrect, because "eam" is the object for which the ablative absolute noun is used
(2) Incorrect, because the passive is being used
(3) Correct
(4) Correct
- (1) Passive Periphrastic
(2) It agrees with "sum"
(3) Debeo + infinitive
- (1) Dative
(2) A me
- If these two men hold command, the state will be strong.
- This famous had been reported, the king relinquished the city without delay.
- When every desire for money and power is expelled out of his soul, that leader will conquer himself.
- Our desire for evil events must be conquered if we desire to lead a good life.
- The citizens love their country, we have great hopes.
- All citizens kept fearing the tyrant of yours, who had to be banished.
- When I overcame the tyrant, the citizens regained their liberty and rights.
- After a tyrant has been expelled, another tyrant often gains power.