Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Example of Ekphrasis

Pierre was in an elevator in the Eiffel Tower whose cords had broken loose, so he was plummeting to his death. In his hand he held a sub from Subway, which he wished to finish before death. Subway had weird commercials, usually involving this sketchy guy named Jared who lost an impossibly large amount of weight. Jared usually wore glasses, just like Pierre's father when driving along the country during his long summer in Jakarta. Along the way, Pierre would read newspapers, often with pictures of catastrophic events, like the tsunami in Japan. At that same point in time, Jae Yang was surfing the tsunami in Japan, when he fell in the water. As he was being thrown around, he spotted a flyer for a free car wash at Honest Joe's. Honest Joe was currently in the United States, performing some sketchy business involving using cardboard for the brakes in his vehicles. One of those piece of cardboard came from Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart's logo of a smiley face flying around the store was so unrealistic. Often people were not even happy in those stores. Who really wants a NERF gun anyway? Perhaps to wage a war, like the epic Battle of Mount Small Hill, during which Nerfchilles overtook the Nerftrojans. Nerfchilles actually devised a way of entering Nerftroy, by using a large wooden horse and presenting it as a gift. This horse was reminiscent of those used on the board game Risk, where infantry, cavalry, and canons wage war, trying to conquer the world, based on the roll of dice. Dice were also involved in James' epic Monopoly game, in which in created a chance card that killed all other players, and the other players believed it. Pierre, too, believed that his death was imminent, and so, with lettuce from the sub spewing from his mouth screamed "MONOPOLY!!!" as the elevator hit the ground.

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