Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Friday, February 11, 2011

An Old and New iPod Touch

I used to have an iPod Touch,*
3rd generation to be more specific.
I put great sweat* into keeping it clean,
that iPod sure was insanely cool.*
The iPod, though, one day was
filled with many songs,
and so before I got my next iPod
surely it wouldn't be a long time.
I browsed online, checking the stats
of the new iPod, 4th generation.
Of many an awesome trait
this was an cool grouping.
So one day I made a deal with a friend,
so that he would buy my old iPod,
and so I could now afford a new iPod,
with that and my Christmas money.
I needed more room, as 32 gigs
was not enough to satisfy,
but now I'd have double the memory
this was something to change.
I eagerly awaited as my new iTouch
was transported at Apple's convenience.
Like the apple in the Garden of Eden*
this would be my guilty pleasure.
And so one day I arrived at home and
found my iPod sitting* on the table.
Of limitless fun and good times
this new iPod would surely lead to.

The four literary devices Catullus and I used were: End-stopped lines vs. emjabment, metonym, personification, and allusion. I starred an example of each.


Heather Kirwan said...

My favorite paragraph is reference to the garden of Eden.
Work on the same number of syllables per line.
Change the line:
"To be filled with many a song"

Unknown said...

The literary devices are well used. However, Catullus neither rhymes nor organizes his poem into stanzas.