PART 1 (ID and Parse 25 verbs)
1. reddebat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "reddere" meaning "to return"
2. habitabat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "habitare" meaning "to inhabit"
3. contulit-3rd person singular present active indicative of "conferre" meaning "to debate"
4. percussit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "percutere" meaning "to beat"
5. potuit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "posse" meaning "to be able"
6. dabatur-3rd person singular imperfect passive indicative of "dare" meaning" to give"
7. gerebat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "gerere" meaning "to carry on"
8. incolebant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of "incolere" meaning "to live"
9. acceperunt-3rd person plural perfect active indicative of "accipere" meaning "to accept"
10, gaudebant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of "gaudere" meaning "to rejoice"
11. habebant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of "habere" meaning "to have"
12. invenit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "invenire" meaning "to come upon"
13. prehendit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "prehendere" meaning "to catch"
14. coepit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "coepere" meaning "to begin"
15. fecerat-3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of "facere" meaning "to make"
16. laborabat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "laborare" meaning "to labor"
17. destitit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "desistere" meaning "to stop"
18. constituit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "constituere" meaning "to set up"
19, comprehenderunt-3rd person plural perfect active indicative of "comprehendere" meaning "to grasp firmly"
20. adussit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "adurere" meaning "to scorch"
21. venit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "venire" meaning "to come"
22. abscidit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "abscidere" meaning "to cut off"
23. mordebat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of "mordere" meaning "to bite"
24. imbuit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "imbuere" meaning "to dip"
25. vidit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of "videre" meaning "to see"
PART 2 (ID and Translate 25 nouns)
1. pede-foot
2. deorum-gods
3. tempus-time
4. dapibus-feasts
5. cellis-wine cellars
6. ruinas-ruins
7. imperio-authority
8. regina-queen
9. nauis-ships
10. ignibus-fires
11. mentemque-mind (+ enclitic "and")
12. timores-fears
13. campis-military camps
14. monstrum-monster
15. regiam-palace
16. populo-people
17. serpentes-serpents
18. triumpho-triumph
19. praesidium-protection
20. curriculo-track
21. palmaque-palm (+ enclitic "and")
22. honoribus-honors
23. agros-fields
24. caput-head
25. matribus-mothers
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