Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Marius, Sulla, Caesar

Marius was the first man in his family to hold high office, so was a novus homo. He was elected tribune, quaestor, praetor, and consul (7 times). He married a patrician family, and marries the aunt of Julius Caesar.Marius is known for dramatic reforms of the Roman armies. Marius authorized the recruitment of landless citizens, and reorganized legions in Rome.

Sulla was a patrician family that fell on hard time. Sulla was a Roman general and politician. Sulla had a reputation for always supporting the Senate. Sulla started proscriptions (lists of people to be killed for a reward). Sulla also started political reforms. Sulla was later referred to by Machiavelli as the ideal characteristics of a ruler.

Both Marius and Sulla were involved in the Social War.

These rulers are seen as a precedence to Caesar, as they both caused dramatic reforms, and Caesar would also cause a dramatic change in Rome. Caesar was also a militaristic leader, and Marius' reforms aided him. Caesar also used the proscriptions of Sulla to eliminate his enemies. Marius and Sulla started an age of reforming in Rome, which was continued by Caesar to the end of the Roman Republic.



Sorry, the pictures failed on this post, as Blogger wouldn't take them, so I have to go back and edit it tonight.

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