Website of the Gods!!!

This is a blog of the gods, Ancient Rome, the Gallic Wars, translations, and other Latiny stuff!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Vocab Quiz 5

1. adulescentia-youth
2. animus-spirit
3. caelum-sky, heaven
4. culpa-blame
5. gloria-glory
6. verbum-word
7. te-you
8. liber-free
9. noster-our
10. pulcher-beautiful
11. sanus-sane
12. igitur-therefore
13. propter-becuase of
14. cras-tomorrow
15. heri-yesterday
16. quando-when
17. satis-enough
18. tum-then
19. ceno-to dine
20. culpo-to blame

1. remeneo-to remain
2. supero-to be above
3. basium-kiss
4. bellum-war
5. consilium-counsel

1 comment:

Adamus said...

I got a 20/20, but I spelled something wrong in the bonus